Little Star
本社所在地 LS College Language communication school
1406-5 Gumizawa Gotemba city Shizuoka Japan
御殿場校 LSカレッジ語学学校 / 沼津校Global College Japan

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Little Star English School

We operate English conversational classes for a wide range of ages, offer private and group lessons in several locations and teach lessons at a variety of different companies.
We focus on speaking, grammar, pronunciation and expanding student’s vocabulary and we try to make everyone feel confident when they use English.
Our teachers are all native English speakers and are all well-trained. In addition to their qualifications, they are certified by educational license and educational requirements for all levels.
Internship in Japan

Little Star offers an internship program from 1 to 6 months in length. You will not only learn about a new culture, but you will learn the Japanese language. Please fill out the contact form below to request more information.
Partner ship with
Global College

Global College has consistently been one of the most popular English Education schools in Vancouver, Canada.
School is offering English classes and courses including ESL, IELTS, Business, TOEIC and TESOL.
You can study anytime and anywhere at Little Star
LS School (Japanese language School)
Online Japanese

We offer a unique learning experience, LS college study and intern abroad programs are some of the most affordable, comprehensive program packages available.
All lessons are Private and our teachers are well trained and native Japanese speakers
you can study Japanese online with a PC and Internet access everywhere and anytime.
LS college students who study Japanese via video call will be able to directly enroll our internship course.
You can learn real life Japanese conversation and enjoy cultural exchange.

We always welcome enthusiastic applicants who are highly motivated to teach English. If you are interested in becoming a Little Star teacher, please click the button below to contact us.